Cost Per Conversion Report

Trouble Linking Facebook & AdWords Conversions? A Surprising New Free Solution!

By on February 17, 2018

online marketing techs digital analytic solution for conversion tracking in AdWords and Facebook


Do you want to know how to link your conversion reporting from AdWords & Facebook into one easy to ready report? Read this to find out a free solution from Google.

Today we are going to be building an AdWords & Facebook cost per conversion report using Google Data Studio. This will provide an easy real-time report to view how much it costs you to get a website visitor to convert by the overall accounts, campaigns, and ad groups/ad sets. Make sure you are logged in using the email that you use for your AdWords & Facebook marketing campaigns so that Data Studio can pull the information.

Watch the Online Marketing Techs instructional video or follow the step by step below.

First, we will select start a new report.

 google data studio select new report

Then we will name it. I will name this one E3 Cost Conversion Report.

Name the google data studio report

Then we will need to create a new data source.

create a new data source for your report

Select your AdWords account and connect.

select your adwords account

connect adwords account to report

 Name your data source and add to report.

online marketing techs - name data studio report

digital analytics experts add to report

digital analytics solution - add to report

Click on the Insert menu and select the Date range

search engine advertising consultants

pay per click analytics experts - select date range

Select the text option from the drop-down menu

online marketing agency | select text from menu

Draw a text box and label it AdWords. You can change the text properties in the property settings on the right-hand side.

draw the text box and label it AdWords PPC

Select the scorecard icon and draw out an icon box.

digital web analytics - select scorecard

Web PPC analytics experts

Select the metric picker from the right side of the screen.

internet ad agency | metric picker

Search for Cost/conv. from the search bar and select the metric.

web ppc company | search cost / conv.

Select the scorecard icon and draw another icon box.

internet advertising agency

internet analytics agency - draw icon box

Select the metric picker,  search for conversions, and click on the metric.

internet web maketing

Search for conversions - internet web pay per click

Select the scorecard icon and draw another icon box.

web marketing consulants

website marketing agency

Select the metric picker and search for click conversion rate.

online advertising agency boulder colorado

Draw another scorecard, select the metric picker, and search cost.

web ad company - search for cost

Select table icon and draw a table box.

data studio tutorial - select the table icon

ppc web online internet advertising and marketing

Go to metric picker and search cost/conv.

web ppc company | search cost / conv.

Now add a metric to the table and search for conversions

google data analytic tutorial - add new metric

Search for conversions - internet web pay per click

Add another metric and search for click conversion rate.

online advertising agency boulder colorado

Add another metric and search cost.

web ad company - search for cost

Copy table and paste.

digital web analytics course - copy table

pay per click analytic report - paste table

Move the table and resize it to your specifications.

Select the dimension picker and search for ad groups.

web analytics cost per conversion report - select dimension picker

internet marketing agency - search ad group

Let’s look at the AdWords cost per conversion report.

pay per click analytics - view the report

:) looks good - that's a damn good report

That’s a good looking report.

Watch the video at 5:51 to see how to add the Facebook data.
